Margaret E. I. Kipp's Home Page

I am an associate professor at the School of Information Studies, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee and a member of the Knowledge Organization Research Group (KOrg).

Research and Teaching Interests
Social Tagging; Web 2.0 and Library 2.0; Linked Data and the Semantic Web; Metadata; Information Organisation; Data Science, Applied Informetrics; Databases; Information Retrieval; Information Systems and Technology
Curriculum Vitae
Fall 2019
582: Introduction to Data Science (Online)
785: Database Management Systems for Information Professionals (Online)
Previous Terms
511: Organization of Information
582: Introduction to Data Science
714: Metadata
717: Information Architecture
691 (687): Data Analysis for Data Science
691: Linked Data, Mashups, the Semantic Web, and Web 2.0
785: Database Management Systems for Information Professionals (Online)
IO Concentration Coordinator
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Created: 2009-09-12
Updated: 2017-11-10

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